Passionate Leadership

In the age of digital generation, the leadership will be the key area for strategic focus. We believe that most important factor for success is to create a core leadership team who will be passionate about  the Vision, Mission, Strategic Intent and Goals that the organisation follows. A passionate Leadership team is the key  in the age of DIGITIANS, where the human passion will determine the use of varied array of digital tools, products, gazettes packaged into a digital deliverable platform. In the “Good to Great” book management guru  Jim Collins noted that most vital driver of  Great companies is the Passion  to create something great  and that is helped by  Level 5 Leaders.  Saugata believes that “Passionate Leadership” is the key differentiator between a great brand versus a competitor brand. He has been successfully practicing this Leadership Level N  technique since 1990s with several of his teams in BFSI verticals.

The question is whether you can create a passionate leadership within an organisation?  When the world is becoming more individualistic, more virtualised whether life qualities like passion will be a driver?  Let’s take the second question first, Saugata believes that this will be the challenge for all the organisations in this century and that is why there is a more vivid requirement for a Passionate Leadership Intervention Strategy to embed Passion in the management practices. Now the first question: whether passion can be ignited through a structured process.  In the last century there was a strong adage that “Leaders are born”. However, growingly with advances in management studies, it is proven and strongly believed by Saugata that “Leaders can also be created over time with right planning, training, exposure and coaching”. In his book “What makes elephant dance?”  Saugata talked about the new leadership paradigm “Passionate Leadership” and propagated a framework that embeds passionate leadership and Leadership Level N within the management and strongly believes that this is possible with a complete Organisation Renewal process.