Corporate Happiness Index

This is a patented product.  In digital times, the human interactions are diminishing. Employees are becoming  more introvert, self centered, career oriented, financial values driven. The Team formation and bonding very essential for the success of any company.  Increasingly, people is becoming THE ASSET of the company irrespective of the industry or sector with varying scale & degree.

We say if employee is happy at work and in their family, they will be self motivated and their productivity will increase manifold. The important role of the management is to create  that work environment, social enablement and culture of belonging  which will be much beneficial and sustainable than short term incentive plan, carrot and stick rule etc.  However, we understand it is simple said than done.

In Corporate Happiness Index first through a set of psychometric questions we do an Organisational Health Check. We analyse along with management and identify critical areas  of interventions through Improvement in Structure, Process, procedure, manual, Team building, Training, Coaching, and employee wellness, we improve the Corporate Happiness Index and measure at regular interval till we see the stabilisation of CHI for consecutive period at a benchmarked level